2.1 Defining Academic Integrity Misconduct
Academic integrity is a cornerstone of the University’s commitment to the principles of free inquiry; students are responsible for learning and upholding professional standards in research, writing, assessment, and ethics. In the academic community the high value of honesty mandates a corresponding intolerance of dishonesty. Written or other work which students submit must be the product of their own efforts and must be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics. Any academic integrity violation(s), which includes cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior, is prohibited. A summary of behaviors that constitute academic integrity misconduct appears below. Examples of each policy can be found in the Faculty Guide to Academic Integrity as well as the Student Guide to Academic Integrity. Questions regarding these policies or requests for additional clarification should be directed to the Office of the Provost, Student Affairs, or to the office of Student Conduct and Integrity (SCI).
2.1.1 Cheating
Cheating is using or attempting to use materials, information, notes, study aids, or other assistance not authorized by the instructor during an examination or evaluation.
2.1.2 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is intentionally or carelessly presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has wholly or in part been created by another. It also includes the presentation of the work, ideas, representations, or words of another without customary and proper acknowledgement of sources. Students must consult instructors for clarification in any situation in which documentation is an issue. Students will be considered to have plagiarized whenever their work is improperly cited.
2.1.3 Falsification, Forgery, and Obstruction
Falsification is the intentional and unauthorized fabrication or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Falsification includes knowingly reporting data, research, or reports so that the resulting process or product is different from what actually occurred. Forgery is the imitating or counterfeiting of images, documents, signatures, class absence notes, attendance sign-in sheets and the like. Obstruction is any behavior that limits the academic opportunities of other students by improperly impeding their work, their access to educational resources, or disrupting instruction.
2.1.4 Multiple Submission(s)
Multiple submissions are the submission of all or part of the same or substantially the same work for credit in two or more courses. Multiple submissions include the use of any academic work previously submitted for academic credit at this or another institution, including high school work. Multiple submissions shall not include those academic exercises when written approval by the current course instructor authorizes use of prior academic work. When multiple submissions are allowed, instructors will specify the expected academic effort applicable to their courses.
2.1.5 Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty are examples of facilitating academic dishonesty. Facilitating academic dishonesty also includes behavior that may not directly benefit the accused but assists another student in achieving an unfair academic advantage.
2.1.6 Violation of Professional Standards in Research and Creative Endeavors
Misconduct in research is a serious deviation from accepted professional practice within a discipline or from the policies of the University in carrying out, reporting, or exhibiting the results of research or in publishing, exhibiting, or performing creative endeavors. It includes but is not limited to, plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of data as well as misrepresentation of scientific or creative works. Misconduct in research does not include honest error or honest disagreement about interpretation of data.
2.1.7 Misuse of Academic Resources
Misuse of academic resources involves the intentional use, misuse, or alteration of University materials or resources to make them inaccessible to others. Such misuse includes the unauthorized or inappropriate use of computer accounts, alteration of passwords, violation of library procedures, other intentional misuse or destruction of educational materials, recording a lecture or other classroom interaction, selling class notes, or being paid for taking class notes, without the permission of the instructor or Disability Services staff.
2.1.8 Misuse of Intellectual Property
Misuse of intellectual property is the improper use of copyright materials, trademarks, trade secrets, or intellectual property (e.g. thoughts, ideas or works of another).
2.1.9 Violation of Ethical and Professional Standards
Students shall adhere to the standards, guidelines, and/or codes associated with the ethics and conduct established for academic programs and courses.* This policy applies to all student experiences involving academic credit (e.g., on-campus and distance education courses, internships, practicum, and thesis/dissertation) and is one of the regulations for student ethical behavior referenced in the Indiana State University Code of Student Conduct.
Student Conduct and Integrity
Hulman Memorial Student Union
Room 821
Office: 812.237.3800